Rastas plead with public: Crime not the way for conflict resolution

As the country’s 2023 murder toll surpasses 160, the Rastafarian community is pleading with the public to find non-violent forms of conflict resolution and to stop attempting to use crime to achieve same.
Speaking to Newsday on Thursday, Prince Imsley of Zion – a Bobo Shanti priest – said the crime situation in the country is “very terrible,” and that most people seem to be of the view that “If I do not agree with you, I am the wickedest person...
“And it’s not really so it’s supposed to go. A difference of opinion shouldn't make us enemies.”
He said this was an attitude portrayed by late Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie I.
Next Tuesday will be the 57th anniversary of Selassie’s visit to TT.
“Let us find better ways of resolving our conflicts. These days, you get somebody vex, they want to shoot you, they want this ,they want that...The gang affiliation, we don’t support that.”
He said respect within communities is crucial.
“Respect your elders and elders, in turn, respect the young ones and let us have a mutual understanding.”
"Rastas plead with public: Crime not the way for conflict resolution"