DOG ATTACKS BOY, 2 – disaster strikes as child wanders too close to tied pet

A two-year-old boy was attacked and bitten on the neck by a mixed-breed dog on Tuesday morning at his grandparents’ home in South Oropouche.
Up to Tuesday evening, Vishal Deonath was at the San Fernando General Hospital with wounds to his tiny neck and chest.
The incident happened at around 8.30 am at Hilife Trace, when he and his three-year-old brother were in the yard with their grandparents. The boys live with their parents elsewhere in South Oropouche.
Newsday spoke briefly to Vishal’s mother, who was waiting for him to receive stitches.
She recalled dropping off the children about half an hour before the attack. She said the dog, Monster, was tied and had never before attacked the children.
Her father Bhola Deonath, 72, said he had been in the yard with his grandsons near a mango tree. The dog (pitbull mixed with pothound) suddenly attacked the child near him. It happened as Bhola turned his back to the dog to sweep.
Immediately Bhola dropped his broom and began choking the dog. Monster was still tied to a piece of rope.
Bhola said the dog then let go of the infant.
Relatives put Vishal in a car and called ambulance personnel, who met them on the way to the hospital.
Bhola said, "I was sweeping the yard. The boys were picking up mangoes and playing on a chair.
"My wife just stepped inside to use the toilet and the dog attacked. First time that ever happened, and I never expected it.
"I grabbed and choked the dog by its neck until it released my grandson. Things could have turned out worse if the dog had begun to shake.
"If I had to strangle the dog to death, I would have done that to save my grandson."
Bhola said he no longer wanted the dog and anyone or any animal organisation who wanted the dog could have it. He is fearful it could attack and possibly kill someone.
The dog was secured at the back of the house when Newsday visited on Tuesday afternoon.
South Western Division police are investigating.
"DOG ATTACKS BOY, 2 – disaster strikes as child wanders too close to tied pet"