Couva/Point Lisas Chamber asks RIC: Hold off on electricity rate hike

BUSINESS operators in the Couva/Point Lisas area are calling on the TT Electricity Commission (T&TEC) to hold off on any increases in electricity rates at this time.
The Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) met with members of the Couva/Point Lisas Chamber on February 13 to discuss the proposed increase.
Coming out of this meeting, chamber president Mukesh Ramsingh said members expressed concern that the consultations are not being done just for publicity or to justify the increase.
In a statement Ramsingh said though most people were against the increase, given the rate of inflation, the business community understood some increases may be needed in the future.
But, he said, “The business community is asking the RIC to hold off on the increase for now.”
He said the chamber had offered alternative suggestions, such as lowering gas costs by switching to renewable forms of energy, namely solar/wind power, and investing in more steam generators.
“Even if the increase is made, both residential and commercial sector should be given a cheaper alternative first, so customers are given a fair choice.”
He pointed out that T&TEC has a monopoly on delivering electricity.
“We know this cannot be changed, but like cellular services, if there were other providers, we would not be having these issues right now.
“It is our hope that all the consultations done with the RIC and public are taken into serious consideration, because the outcome of the current proposed rates can be devastating to the country if not managed properly.”
"Couva/Point Lisas Chamber asks RIC: Hold off on electricity rate hike"