Devant backs PM's claim of UNC involvement in human trafficking

Former UNC senator Devant Maharaj.
Former UNC senator Devant Maharaj.

FORMER UNC minister Devant Maharaj is alleging that some of his former colleagues in the People’s Partnership administration were involved in human trafficking and had offered foreign prostitutes to people inside and outside the party.

Maharaj has given credence to the Prime Minister’s claim in Parliament on Friday about the involvement of Opposition members in human trafficking, as he responded to questions from Naparima MP Rodney Charles about actions taken in light of a damning 2022 US report on human trafficking, which pointed fingers at “senior government officials.”

Rowley denied the officials referred to were from the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) side. Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar countered, asking Rowley to state which Opposition members were currently senior officials in his government.

“Clearly, PNM officials are the ones involved.”

However, Maharaj attested to the PM’s statement, saying he personally assisted an internal investigation into allegations of human trafficking when the People's Partnership was in office.

The US human-trafficking report says TT remains on Tier 2 watch list as the government does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, although it is making significant efforts to do so.

“These efforts included increasing investigations and prosecutions, identifying more victims, and expanding training to a broader range of stakeholders.

“However, the government did not demonstrate overall increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period, even considering the impact of the covid19 pandemic on its anti-trafficking capacity.

“The government has never convicted a trafficker under its 2011 anti-trafficking law. Corruption and official complicity in trafficking crimes remained significant concerns, inhibiting law enforcement action, and the government did not take action against senior government officials alleged in 2020 to be involved in human trafficking.

“Victim identification and services remained weak, and the government did not formally adopt the National Action Plan (NAP) for 2021-2023,” the report states in part.

In a statement on Saturday, Maharaj backed Rowley’s claim.

“I wish to confirm that during 2010-2015 internal investigations headed by senior UNC officials, investigated the allegations of human trafficking.

“I can confirm that I assisted in these investigations. I can also confirm that the allegations were confirmed to be true and correct.

“I confirm this as particular individuals who now hold high office in the party on a regular basis provided a regular supply of Venezuelan and Colombian prostitutes to persons within and without the party.” Maharaj said he also refused this service, which was offered to him.

He also claimed, in the statement, that the matter was raised with the leadership of the People’s Partnership, which had at its helm at the time, then prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

“No action was, however, taken against those who were found to be involved in the criminal activity as they were all close to the political leadership.

“The leadership then, as it is now, placed a premium on blind loyalty over everything else. Consequently persons who were identified were not only actively protected but subsequently promoted to the highest levels within the party and never penalised or punished.”

Maharaj said he found it offensive, “vulgar and obscene, that a political party headed by a woman provides a refuge and safe haven for individuals who peddle in the illegal act of women as sexual commodities on the open market.

“That these same persons pontificate to the population on legal issues and are continuously shielded not only by the political leadership of the UNC but by every single member of the UNC bench, national executive, and other party officials who all know about this open secret but chose to remain silent.”

Maharaj had unsuccessfully challenged Persad-Bissessar for leadership of the party and was later ostracised by members. He migrated to Canada last year.

Persad-Bissessar in responding to Rowley’s allegations, in a statement on Saturday, accused the Prime Minister of abusing the cover of parliamentary privilege to make a complete fool of himself.

“Any primary school student could read the US report and understand the words 'senior government officials.'”

“Can Keith Rowley be so kind as to tell the country which member of the Opposition UNC is currently a senior official in his government?

“The report also clearly states that the government did not take action on the allegations. There is no one in our country who would believe the Rowley PNM government would take no action if the alleged officials were UNC. Clearly, PNM officials are the ones involved.

“This is a PNM government which wasted $45 million chasing ghosts at Estate Management and Business Development (EMBD), paid millions in the ‘Nelsongate’ scandal and wasted millions in ‘Emailgate’ all with the intention of harassing UNC members.

“Rowley would have been chomping at the bit to go after any UNC official had they been accused of human trafficking to score political points.”

She claimed the PNM has already covered up an alleged paedophile ring within its party and Rowley must take action against the senior officials within his PNM government who have been implicated in this human-trafficking scandal.

“I call on Rowley to treat the scourge of human trafficking seriously and to desist from using such a horrific crime to score cheap political points and distractions, as this is not a joking matter.”


"Devant backs PM’s claim of UNC involvement in human trafficking"

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