Police, USC battle to tie in All Sectors Netball

POLICE and the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC) battled to a tie as matches in the Courts All Sectors Netball League continued at the Eastern Regional Indoor Sports Arena in Tacarigua on Thursday.
The match ended 17-17 in the alternative division. For Police, goal shooter Kaliyah Cooper converted 14 of 24 attempts. USC goal shooter Gellena Grant scored eight of 11 shots while teammate and goal attack Michelle Williams chipped in with eight of 17 attempts.
In another match in the alternative division, MIC defeated University of the West Indies (UWI) 25-16. Goal shooter Tiffany Gonzalez netted 17 of 25 to lead the way for MIC, and goal attack Ashaki Clarke converted eight of 16 shots for UWI.
In the retro division, Police got past Marvellites 36-13. Matches in the league will continue on Saturday at noon.
"Police, USC battle to tie in All Sectors Netball"