Take a hint, Dr Rowley

THE EDITOR: After seeing the results of the PNM’s internal elections, I have to say that it is a shame and disgrace that Dr Rowley, as the political leader of the party in government, can only acquire an embarrassing meagre 8,000 votes.
What is even more embarrassing is that in his own constituency, after two days of voting, he only got 188 votes. Even worse is that Rowley as leader of the PNM has overseen a voter turnout of 9,903 over three days, even though there were 14,000 attendees at the PNM's 50th convention.
It is my understanding this is the lowest in the PNM's history and Rowley must fully accept this as the political leader.
This shows that not only is the nation fed up with the governance from Rowley and his failed ministers, his party members are also fed up with him.
However, this is not surprising to me or any right thinking person. As Prime Minister he has overseen the highest murder rate in the country’s history and is yet to fire National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds.
He has overseen the destruction of the energy sector through the closure of Petrotrin. He has overseen the record job losses and yet he has done nothing. And he has not intervened to solve the flooding situation that has affected the entire nation.
The Prime Minister should take a hint from his party members and seek a new mandate and call an election now. It is clear that he is not even popular in his own party.
Rowley has been weighed, measured and found wanting by his own party and this is clearly a sign of no confidence in him. So I say it again to the Prime Minister, please call a general election and let the nation decide.
former UNC senator
"Take a hint, Dr Rowley"