PNM not up for sale
THE EDITOR: The PNM is not up for sale. With three years until general election 2025, some people, well in advance, have dreams beyond the usual 15 minutes of fame. The PNM is not about seeing something selling on Amazon and having enough money to place an order.
At this point in time, political Amazon says the product is unavailable.
The PNM was built to last, as one could put it, through hell or highwater. This party is always going to be worth its weight in political gold. Beauty, especially political beauty, lies in the eyes of the beholders. The beholders will always have the last word. Until wishful aspirants can provide indelible proof that they are indeed the best thing since sliced bread, forget the political salivating.
It will be interesting to see what happens after the PNM internal elections. The first self-defeating fault of any aspirant is to even proffer the idea that the selection process in the PNM is flawed. The allegation of dishonesty can be considered being farse and out of place and smelling your own bottom lip.
Image is everything in TT. Political image is the hardest image to sell to a discerning public.
Diego Martin
"PNM not up for sale"