[UPDATED] Cops thwart hold-up at businessman's home – Four bandits shot dead

A SHOOTOUT between Eastern Division police and seven bandits who earlier tied up a family during a home invasion in Mayaro on Monday ended with four of the bandits being shot dead and the other three managing to escape.
A manhunt was under way up to Monday night in Mayaro for the bandits, who escaped by dashing off into bushes.
The shooting took place at the home of businessman Yong Ming Zhou at Krista Park, a gated community at Beaumont Road, next to the BpTT Mayaro Learning Resource Centre.
Zhou, who owns a restaurant in the area, is said to be a very popular and well-liked businessman in Mayaro.
Police said Zhou left the house to take his daughter, who is under ten, to a primary school in the area. He returned at 9.30 am and found his wife and their son, 17, tied up with duct tape. The gunmen, who were still in the house, also tied him up.
The police received a tip-off and responded in minutes, catching the bandits on the compound. On seeing the officers, the bandits opened fire, and police shot back. Four bandits fell to the ground while the other three jumped a wall and ran off through thick bushes.
Police found four guns at the scene. They called for back-up and the area where the bandits had run off was cordoned off, but up to press time the three remained at large.
Sources said the bandits entered the gated community by jumping over a wall at the eastern side.
Police found several pieces of clothing, including coveralls, suggesting the bandits had changed their clothes before entering the compound. The police’s quick response prevented the men from leaving with any valuables.
Snr Supt Khan, Supt Doodai, ASP Jankie, Insps Ramkissoon and Ramlakan and other officers from Mayaro and Sangre Grande police stations and the Emergency Response Patrol unit were gathering evidence at the scene on Monday afternoon.
The police have not yet identified the four dead bandits but sources said they do not appear to be from the Mayaro community. Their fingerprints were taken and police said they would use them to see if they can get a match in their crime suspects database.
The businessman and his family were uninjured but were left “deeply traumatised” by the ordeal.
The Newsday team was refused entry into the gated community. A policewoman stood guard at the entrance gate and only residents, the undertakers, the distict medical officer and crime scene investigators were allowed in.
Residents outside the gated community expressed shock over the incident, describing Zhou, usually known only as Ming, as a good person.
“He is nice to everyone in Mayaro. Everyone knows Ming. Whoever did this, they are not from Mayaro.
"But these fellas (bandits) must have had help from people in the area. Ming's house is far at the back,” a resident said.
“They did not go to his businessplace because it is closer to the police station. These hardback men do not want to work for their own money. They always want what other people have.
"I am just happy that the family was not killed.”
There have been several recent police-involved shootings.
On September 27, North-Eastern Division Task Force and the Gang Intelligence Unit police shot Richard Ferrier at his home at Cosmos Street, Coconut Drive, Morvant.
Police said Ferrier confronted them with a gun in a room, and they shot him. The police retrieved a gun and took him to the hospital in Mt Hope, where he was declared dead.
Two weeks ago, on September 19, Southern Division police shot and killed four bandits shortly after the deadly heist outside Pennywise Plaza in La Romaine. The dead in that incident were Kyle and his brother Keyon Ramdhan, Greg Dodough, and Deaundre Montrose, all of Fyzabad.
Two security guard were also shot dead in that incident. One of the guards, Jeffrey Peters, was laid to rest on Monday after a funeral in San Juan.
This story was originally published with the title "Four dead in police-involved shooting in Mayaro" and has been adjusted to include additional details. See original post below.
Four bandits were shot dead in a home invasion in Mayaro on Monday.
Mayaro police went to a house at Beaumont Road in response to a report.
Police said when they arrived at mid-morning, the bandits began shooting at them. The police shot back, killing the four inside the house. They found guns at the scene.
The police have not yet identified the suspects by name.
There have been several recent police-involved shootings.
On September 27, North-Eastern Division Task Force and the Gang Intelligence Unit police shot Richard Ferrier at his home at Cosmos Street, Coconut Drive, Morvant. Police said Ferrier confronted them with a gun in a room, and they shot him. The police retrieved a gun and took him to the hospital in Mt Hope, where he was declared dead.
Southern Division police shot and killed four bandits on September 19, shortly after the deadly heist outside Pennywise Plaza in La Romaine. The dead in that incident were Kyle and his brother Keyon Ramdhan, Greg Dodough, and Deaundre Montrose, all of Fyzabad.
"[UPDATED] Cops thwart hold-up at businessman’s home – Four bandits shot dead"