Two held after Saturday’s police-involved shooting released

HOURS after Sea Lots residents burned tyres demanding justice for three people killed by police on Saturday, two men held by police during Saturday’s incident were released.
Community activist Kareem Marcelle told Newsday one man was released at about 8 pm on Monday after his attorney Russell Warner threatened to go to court to have him released.
Warner’s client was held at the Woodbrook police station without charge for three days.
The second man was released on Tuesday.
Police said while the men were released, the investigation is still ongoing. A third person, a 16-year-old boy who was wounded, is at hospital under police guard.
On Tuesday acting Police Commissioner Mc Donald Jacob confirmed the release of the men and the re-assigning of eight police officers to clerical duties pending the outcome of the investigation. Jacob said while he was aware of the release, he was unsure of the reasons.
On Monday at a media conference, Jacob said there is video evidence of what happened at Independence Square, Port of Spain on Saturday. He said the footage will form part of the police investigation and will not be released to the public.
Protesters burned tyres and used boulders and other debris to block off the east- and west-bound lanes of the Beetham Highway demanding justice for the killing of Fabien Richards, 21, Leonardo Niko Williams and Isaiah Roberts, both 17.
The protesters also blocked off the Priority Bus Route, Lady Young Road and Nelson and Duncan Streets.
"Two held after Saturday’s police-involved shooting released"