Laventille man shot dead by fake cops

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INVESTIGATIONS are ongoing into an incident in which a 34-year-old Laventille man was shot dead by gunmen who pretended to be police on Monday morning.

Police said Kevon Pacheco aka "Ticky" was at his Mulrain Trace home at around 2.45 am when he heard a knock at his door.

On checking, he saw three masked men wearing what appeared to be police-issued tactical gear. The men identified themselves as police officers.

After opening the door, the men removed a DVR camera device and took Pacheco to the front of the house where they shot him several times.

A man who was in the house at the time, heard the gunshots and later saw Pacheco bleeding on the ground.


Police from the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) who were on patrol nearby, were alerted and along with the Port of Spain police and a district medical officer, went to the scene.

Crime scene investigators found several spent shells. Police from the Homicide Bureau of Investigations Region I are continuing enquiries.


"Laventille man shot dead by fake cops"

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