UNC: 45 per cent less purchasing power for gas now than in 2015

GAS TALK: St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen and Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein use three bottles, filled with colour at various levels, to illustrate the reduced purchasing power for gas, during their press conference on Sunday. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI -
GAS TALK: St Augustine MP Khadijah Ameen and Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein use three bottles, filled with colour at various levels, to illustrate the reduced purchasing power for gas, during their press conference on Sunday. PHOTO BY SUREASH CHOLAI -

ST AUGUSTINE MP Khadijah Ameen says people are getting 45 per cent less gas for their money since the PNM returned to power in 2015.

At the UNC's weekly Sunday press conference, she and Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein used three five-gallon bottles filled to various heights with coloured water to show how the purchasing power for gas had diminished from 2015, 2018 and the present.

“In 2015, when super gas was $2.70 per litre, you could fill your tank with $89 worth of gas.

"In 2018, after three years of PNM government, super gasoline went to $3.51 per litre. That same $89 would give you a little more than a half tank or 54 per cent.

“Now in 2022, super gasoline will now be $5.97 per litre. What you were getting in 2015 (54 per cent) you will now get 45 per cent or under a half tank of gas for the same $89," Ameen claimed.


The press conference at the Opposition Leader's Office, Charles Street, Port of Spain, came two days after Finance Minister Colm Imbert announced an increase in the price of fuel, effective April 19 (the Tuesday after the extended Easter holiday weekend).

This is the fourth gas price increase in the past seven years.

“A couple months ago when the minister spoke of removing the fuel subsidy, the UNC warned you that because fuel prices were low, you wouldn’t feel the pain as much, but as soon as fuel prices go up internationally, the burden will come to the citizens,” Ameen said.

She claimed Imbert had tricked the population into accepting the removal of the fuel subsidy. She said the price increase will eventually lead to an increase in the price of goods (including food) and services for which transportation is part of the supply chain.

“This government is saying 'ban yuh belly' when only a few days ago, Imbert was saying that things are nice and the economy is thriving,” she scoffed. The then fired some salvoes at Government.

“We still have thousands unemployed – right foot, left foot. We still have thousands working on 2013 salaries – right foot, left foot.

"We have women being attacked, murdered and raped – right foot left foot. We have pensioners who may lose their pensions because the finance minister thinks they are living too long – right foot, left foot.

"Food prices gone up – right foot, left foot. They are coming with property tax – right foot, left foot. They are increasing the gas prices yet again (because as Imbert said previously) 'we ent riot yet'."

Ameen called on the nation not to sit quietly but instead take a stand and, "let our voices be heard in a lawful manner.”



"UNC: 45 per cent less purchasing power for gas now than in 2015"

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