UNC MPs weigh in on July 27 memorial

Barry Padarath -
Barry Padarath -

OROPOUCHE East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal said the UNC's understanding of the significance of the July27, 1990 attempted coup was underscored by the actions of its political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar while she was prime minister between May 24, 2010 and September 7, 2015.

Moonilal made his observation on Tuesday, in response to a renewed call on Monday from President Paula-Mae Weekes for an annual memorial for the attempted coup. "It was the government of Kamla Persad-Bissessar which, after 24 years, held a commission of inquiry (COI) into the events of 1990."

He said, "The report is a matter of public record. The recommendations should be implemented to recognize the the true patriots of that sordid period and to take all steps to prevent a recurrence." Persad-Bissessar laid the July 27, 1990 COI report in the House of Representatives on March 14, 2014.

At that time, Persad-Bissessar said the COI was established on September 6, 2010. She said before the completion of the COI report, Persad-Bissessar said, "Based on intense research, I am pleased to state that some of these recommendations were already noted by the present administration (UNC-led People's Partnership coalition) prior to the report and efforts to implement such policies some of which have already commenced."

She cited information sharing and the establishment of a national operations centre amongst the report's recommendations.


Tabaquite MP Anita Haynes said, "The coup was pivotal moment in our nation's history and citizens may benefit from memorial." Haynes added, "But more than that, we need national history teachings and social/cultural awareness to be more robust."

She said the school curriculum and public policy must engender "a more active participation in our democracy so that citizens will know how to get involved and advocate for changes."

Princes Town MP Barry Padarath and Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein said attacks against democracy in TT have continued since July 27.

Padarath said, "Her Excellency needs to lead by example, the majority of citizens in the country see her as irrelevant and frankly she has made herself so."

He added, "Her absence whether in word or deed on major national issues sticks out like a sore thumb and renders her view at this late stage inconsequential to the average man."

Padarath said Weekes should not "wait for a monument or a national day instead she should be the change that she wishes to see and be a voice against the real threat to our democracy."

He said the President should be "speaking out against the undermining of our independent institutions by this government instead of being a rubber stamp."

Hosein said, "History defines our future and we must preserve our nation’s history, be it bad or good."

He claimed, "Today without weapons we are reminded of our history with this present government blatantly attacking our democracy."


He claimed that was being done through actions like a reduction of speaking times for MPs in Parliament and alleged muting of microphones.


"UNC MPs weigh in on July 27 memorial"

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