TTPost claims successes in fighting drug trafficking

Two weeks after drugs were found hidden in packages at the TT Postal Corporation's (TT Post) National Mail Centre, Piarco, the company says the discoveries marked increased vigilance and co-operation with law enforcement to combat drug trafficking through the postal service.
A media release from TT Post on Monday saidt the corporation is aware of attempts to smuggle drugs through legal channels and continues to collaborate with security agencies against these activities.
"We are pleased to report that with increased vigilance and collaboration among private and public sector agencies, these increased attempts have been generally unsuccessful to date."
The corporation announced it would continue to tackle the illegal drug trade through a combined approach of policy and staff training.
It said TTPost measures included:
Continually updating its policies on receiving and handling export packages
Pursuing new and upgradedf technology to update its scanning and detection capability
Working closely with the Customs and Excise Division to co-ordinate individual and joint initiatives
Collaborating with its international courier, whose responsibility it is to take the packages to overseas territories Retraining staff who come into contact with these packages.
The release also said over the past eight months, TTPost has found eight suspicious packages being shipped overseas which were confiscated and sent to the Customs and Excise Division.
Despite the challenges, the company said it was committed to doing its part to ensure the safety and security of customers. but the added measures would not hinder legitimate business.
Last Thursday TT Post issued a media release announcing a new verification process in which customers must provide a photocopy of their national ID.
That day Customs officers found cocaine worth $544,000 hidden in souvenirs and gift items. Last Monday officers also found nine kilograms of cocaine worth $4.8 million.
"TTPost claims successes in fighting drug trafficking"