Newsday reporter Narissa Fraser among AIPS Americas' top ten

Newsday reporter Narissa Fraser has placed in the top ten in the AIPS (International Sports Press Association) Sports Media Awards' Young Reporters Writing category.
Fraser is the lone TT reporter in that list, for her February 2020 story Andrew Lewis commands the Caribbean Sea, which dealt with the early life, challenges, accomplishments and journey to the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.
In a post on her Facebook page, Fraser wrote, "I am in absolute disbelief and I'm so emotional right now! GUYS!"
A report on the AIPS website said, AIPS "is honoured to share the official ranking of the top submissions from each continent across the different categories, as an acknowledgment of sports media worldwide."
The report continued, "The third edition of the AIPS Awards received an outstanding total of 1,871 submissions from 129 nations. In submitting their work for consideration for the nine categories, colleagues from across the globe engaged in a dialogue of sporting journalism. Such dialogue is crucial in highlighting the importance of our profession and the need to invest in its culture and independence."
Read Fraser's story on Lewis here: Andrew Lewis makes waves across the world
"Newsday reporter Narissa Fraser among AIPS Americas’ top ten"