THA Chief Secretary in home quarantine after contact with covid19 case

THA Chief Secretary Ancil Dennis has revealed he was exposed to a primary contact of a recent covid19 case on Good Friday and will be in quarantine at home.
In a Facebook post on Monday, Dennis said while his exposure to the primary contact was minimal and mask-wearing and physical distancing were practised during the interaction, he decided to get tested for the virus.
Dennis said although the initial test results came back negative, he will remain quarantined at his home for the next two weeks.
“Out of an abundance of caution, I will remain quarantined at home until after April 16, when the full 14 day quarantine period ends,” he said in the post.
Dennis said during this period he would work from home and carry out the responsibilities of his office through virtual meetings and other forms of communication.
He urged Tobagonians to remain cautious and vigilant, even in light of the arrival of the covid19 vaccines.
“I cannot stress enough how important it is for us to ensure adherence to the covid19 protocols if we are to keep our numbers low and return to a greater level of normalcy.”
"THA Chief Secretary in home quarantine after contact with covid19 case"