23 new cases detected, 240 active

Image courtesy CDC.
Image courtesy CDC.

Amid appeals for citizens to continue to be careful and observe covid19 precautions, the number of new cases continue to be in double figures. The Health Ministry’s Sunday update said 23 new cases had been reported from samples taken between March 25 and 27.

The number of active cases now stands at 240. The death toll remains at 142. Since March 2020, there have been 7,977 positive cases, of which 7,595 have recovered.

There are 14 people in hospital, one more than Saturday. Of these, there are seven people at the Couva Hospital and Multi-Training Facility, four at the Caura Hospital and three at the Scarborough Regional Hospital, Fort King George.

There are four people at stepdown facilities at UWI, Debe, one less than Saturday. There have been four recovered community cases and one person has been discharged from public health facilities.

There are 271 people in state quarantine facilities and 199 people in home self-isolation. On Saturday, there were 162 people and 191 people respectively.


The total number of people tested was 108,358, with 50,955 at private facilities. That total on Saturday was 108,169.


"23 new cases detected, 240 active"

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