21 new covid19 cases reported

While the number of covid19 cases reported on Thursday is almost half of those of the previous day, the overall number of cases is still rising.
Twenty-one new cases werereported from samples taken between March 22 and 24, compared to 38 on Wednesday. Of these, one is a recently repatriated person.
The Health Ministry’s update on Thursday said there are now 207 active cases 207.
There have been no new deaths, so the death toll remains at 141.
There are no patients in stepdown facilities, 243 patients in state quarantine facilities, and 175 people in home self-isolation. On Wednesday there were no patients in step-down facilities, 242 patients in state quarantine and 137 people in home self-isolation. One person was discharged from a public health facility.
There are 11 people in hospital, one less than Wednesday. Of these, six are at the Couva Hospital and Multi-Training Facility, with one in the intensive care unit, two at the Caura Hospital and three at the Scarborough Regional Hospital, Fort King George.
The total number of people tested is 107,576, with 50,955 at private facilities.
"21 new covid19 cases reported"