UNC responds to Griffith: We don't want a police state

The United National Congress (UNC) has responded to a media release from Police Commissioner Gary Griffith and maintained that it will continue to stand by the law and due process for the sake of TT.
On Tuesday, Griffith issued a release criticising opposition senator David Nakhid for accusations over a lack of transparency in the deaths of two suspects, Andrew Morris and Joel Balcon, who died in police custody.
Griffith was critical of Nakhid and the opposition for failing to lobby for legislation that would better equip the police to tackle crime.
Hours later the UNC issued its own media release which said the party is firm in its resolve to stand with constitutional principles. It said it has supported legislation introduced by the Government.
"This is a democracy. It is not a fiefdom. We are guided by constitutional principles of the rule of law. And we do not want TT to become a police state.
"This is what the United National Congress stands for.
"To clarify errors put in the public domain: The Bail (Amendment) Bill was passed in 2019 with Opposition support, and the Evidence (Amendment) Bill was passed last week with Opposition support."
The party said it will monitor the effectiveness of the legislation in fighting crime and would make the amendments where necessary.
It also called on Griffith to work with the opposition as they each do their part to make the country safer.
"UNC responds to Griffith: We don’t want a police state"