Police to monitor virtual Carnival events

Police Commissioner Gary Griffith says the police will have an active presence at "virtual" Carnival events put on by the Trinidad and Tobago Promoters’ Association (TTPA).
In a release, he said the police are exercising an element of “flexibility,” but will be working very closely with the TTPA" to ensure compliance with the public health ordinance. He welcomed virtual events, he said, but“there must be a degree of control and no breaches of the public health ordinance.”
Griffith said once he is informed of the association’s events, there will be an active police presence to monitor the proceedings and to ensure compliance with the regulations. He said this partnership will ansure there are no breaches, such as congregating or failing to wear masks. The CoP said the presence of police officers at any event will act as a greater deterrent to law-breaking than security guards.
Griffith made the statement at a meeting with the TTPA executive on Thursday to discuss concerns about the "new normal" as it relates to covid19 and the creative industry.
Among the issues discussed weres the concerns raised about the Sekon Sunday virtual event, which was in fact a small-scale event that was livestreamed from Queen’s Hall on Sunday.
TTPA president Jerome Precilla said the association intends to tell its membership to adhere to government protocols and guidelines.
"Police to monitor virtual Carnival events"