Signal Hill Gov't hosts Tobago's first drive thru graduation

GRADUATING COUSINS: Cousins, from left, Khelsey Alfred, Deandre Baptiste and Allyanne Thomas all decked out for their graduation. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE
GRADUATING COUSINS: Cousins, from left, Khelsey Alfred, Deandre Baptiste and Allyanne Thomas all decked out for their graduation. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE

SIGNAL Signal Hill Government Primary School broke new ground in Tobago on Thursday, hosting the island’s first-ever drive-thru graduation ceremony for Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) students.

Three of the school’s students --- Jeremel Job, Eshe Caesar and Shania Phillip --- were among the island’s ten highest performers in the SEA.

Jeremel placed sixth while Eshe and Shania placed eighth and ninth, respectively.

WE DID IT: Signal Hill Govt Primary students, from left, Macaiah Jack, Sherifa McKenzie, Jordon Williams, Skylah Gordon, Tatyanna Scotland and Adrian Chapman celebrate after getting their SEA exam results. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE

In broiling sun and amid much fanfare, the students, all decked in their finery, collected their results under a beautifully-decorated white tent, which was set up at the side of the school’s main entrance.

The 72 students, accompanied by their proud parents and other relatives, arrived in vehicles that were decorated with balloons and other colourful trimmings.

An emcee announced the students’ names as they arrived at the tent.

Wearing their face masks in keeping with the covid19 guidelines, the students were presented with their certificates, tokens and bottles of a non-alcoholic beverage.

A dapper-looking Jordon Williams thanked everyone who helped him prepare for the SEA.

“I know that I worked hard and I made everybody proud,” he told Newsday

Jordon urged students to develop a relationship with God.

“He is always there for you. Just keep pushing yourself to the limit and surpass your own best, you will just keep getting better and better and then your dreams will succeed,” said Jordon, who passed for Goodwood Secondary School, on Tobago’s east side.

GRADUATION DANCE: Shania Marint dances as she arrives at the graduation after learning she had passed for her first choice, Signal Hill Secondary School. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE 

Jordon welcomed the school’s gesture in hosting a drive thru graduation because of the covid19 restrictions.

“I hope it will be just like this next year or something similar to it.”

Principal Tricia Des Vignes told Newsday the school could not sit by and let the achievements of the SEA students go unnoticed.

“We always want to celebrate the success of our students and it would be unkind to see them go on to the net level and not even receive anything.”

She said the event, the brainchild of Standard Five teacher Steve Peterkin, was hurriedly organised.

It involved the teachers, parents and members of the school’s PTA.

“So, today we have presented them with their tokens of completions and their results because at Signal Hill we always do our best and God does the rest.”

TIGHT EMBRACE: Shania Martin is hugged by her mother Analisa after receiving her results on Thursday at Signal Hill Government Primary School which hosted Tobago's first-ever drive-thru graduation. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE 

Des Vignes added: “Everything we do, we do as a family, a Signal Hill family. So, nothing is really accredited to me. Everything was because of a combined effort of all persons.”

She said Signal Hill Government does not compete with other schools.

“I, as a leader, do not subscribe to that. We compete among ourselves. We keep trying to improve on everything that we do.

DRIVE-THRU: Students and their parents arrive in vehicles for Tobago's first-ever drive-thru graduation ceremony on Thursday. PHOTO BY AYANNA KINSALE - Ayanna Kinsale

“So, we are not looking at what other schools are doing. We are looking at what we are doing and we are trying to work at ensuring that our children are given a holistic development, experience all sorts of things and have opportunities for success.”


"Signal Hill Gov’t hosts Tobago’s first drive thru graduation"

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