Moruga RC School does extra to keep SEA students safe

Considering the increasing number of covid19 cases in TT, the staff and PTA members of St Rita RC in Moruga joined forces to help prevent the spread of germs. They took extra precautions and built transparent barriers (sneeze guards) for the standard five students.
A total of 19 students sat the SEA examinations on Thursday at the school in Gran Chemin using the barriers for the first time.
"Each child had their individual desk with their name written on it. It is their personal space," a parent said.
"They also had their own hand sanitisers, wipes and paper towels housed under the desk."
PTA president Popedeo Sookhai, who is also a builder, told Newsday that the materials for the barriers were PVC pipes and fittings, plastic and glue. After consulting with the principal, Sharon Palloo, the standard five teacher Jael Remy-Sankar and other officials, he built it to protect the students.
"We put our heads together and came up with this. We made them for the standard five class only because of SEA. We used money from the PTA for the project," Sookhai said.
"Our funds were low, so we did not cater for the entire school. Covid will remain here for a while, and schools will reopen sometime. We would need to protect all students. Once we get money, we will continue with it."
The PTA, together with the school, gave out hampers to parents in need during the lockdown.
"We would like to continue with this too, but funds are low. We normally keep barbecues to raise money, but we do not want to do that during covid," Sookhai said.
"Moruga RC School does extra to keep SEA students safe"