Barbados news photographer killed on assignment

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The Barbados media community is mourning one of its members who was killed while on the job on Monday afternoon.

Reports said the photographer, Christoff Griffith, of the Nation newspaper was attacked and killed at the abandoned residence of the Anglican Bishop of Barbados in St Michael parish.

Up to press time it was not clear how he died. The Nation's report on its website did not include the name of the Nation photographer.

Griffith went to the site of a murder scene at Bishop's Court Hill, and arrived before the police. Another man had reportedly been killed there earlier while work was taking place on the building.

Bishop Michael Maxwell was among those at the scene.


Newsday tried to contact the editor-in-chief of the Nation News and the public relations officer of the Royal Barbados Police Force for comment but was unsuccessful.

The Media Association (MATT) sent condolences to his family, friends and colleagues, and commented, "This tragic incident brings into focus the increasing risks and threats faced by journalists doing their jobs.

"Our association calls for media owners and managers to ensure security for media workers working both in the field and within newsrooms.

"Rest in peace, Christoff."

A media release from the Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM) condemned the killing and called for Griffith's killer to be arrested rapidly.

"The ACM condemns this and all other ruthless forms of attacks on journalists and the media throughout the world.

"This incident highlights the vulnerability of media professionals and calls for greater vigilance by all when out in the field.

"We call for swift action in apprehending the perpetrator responsible," the statement said.


"Barbados news photographer killed on assignment"

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