TTOC hosts Olympic Month 2020

The TT Olympic Committee (TTOC) has adjusted their Olympic Day celebration to include a month of various virtual activities and competitions.
TTOC's senior administrative officer Lovie Santana said, “Olympic Day is celebrated on June 23 every year, an international Olympic movement promoting mass participation in sports. This year, due to the covid19 pandemic Team TTO decided to host an Olympic Month with numerous activities aimed at getting the young and old involved to stay active.” Santana continued, “With the theme Move, Learn, Discover, Team TTO commenced webinars for coaches and exciting challenges such as workouts, (an) art and craft competition, sport specific challenge, sport specific sessions, Tik Tok and many more.” Santana said, “Stay tuned to all our social media platform for more information on Olympic month and all the activities ahead.”
One of the first initiatives for the month was an online periodisation workshop targeting coaches which began on Monday and will run all week. Facilitators of the workshop are senior instructor in Kinesiology at UTT, Peer Nasseir, former St Vincent and Grenadines national football player Chester Morgan and national hockey coach Anthony Marcano.
Speaking after his first session on Monday, Nasseir said, “It is a very fulfilling experience to share sports science in general and periodisation in particular with elite and sub-elite coaches throughout the Caribbean. A rising tide lifts all vessels!”
There will also be another webinar with the theme Covid19: An opportunity to grow an opportunity to innovate, an opportunity for transformation, via zoom, on Saturday from 9-11am. The topics that will be discussed are transformational leadership covid and post covid, rethinking administrative strategies and innovation: the key to industry transformation.
The speakers will be TTOC and CANOC president Brian Lewis, lecturer in sport management at UTT, Stacey Cateau and Kevin Jean, head of Open Campus, Academy of Sport, UWI. The moderators are TTOC executive members Giselle Laronde-West and Reyah Rcihardson.
The art and craft competition is opened to children ages three to ten years old from now until June 23 to design either Olympic rings, t-shirts, flames or medals. It can be done by painting, drawing, sewing, sculpture or construction, Play-Doh or Lego designs.
"TTOC hosts Olympic Month 2020"