PTSC: Stringent measures coming to safeguard buses

The Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) acting general manager Davis Ragoonanan says the PTSC will be enforcing stringent security measures on all its premises before a driver can leave with a bus.
On May 11, a video went viral on social media of a man claiming he drove off in one of the buses from PTSC’s Port of Spain, City Gate terminal.
In one of the videos, the driver who took the bus left the Port of Spain compound and headed west.
In another video, the driver said he was returning the bus, and explained how easy it was for him to get access it.
He also said no questions were asked when he left the compound, and the security guard only asked him for his name and the location he was coming from before allowing him into the compound.
In an interview on Tuesday, Ragoonanan said based on the report from an investigation, further action can be taken. He said the driver will go through a disciplinary process and will be suspended.
He said all bus drivers will now have to fill out an authorisation form and present an employee ID badge before they can leave the compound.
The form must stamped by security officers.
“If these measures are not adhered to or (the form) presented to the security guard, then the bus will not be permitted to leave the compound.
“PTSC had a meeting with the security team and one of the things that needed to be strengthened was the authorisation of the drivers themselves to leave the compound,” he said.
Ragoonanan said the driver has put the entire company in disrepute.
He described the action taken by the driver as disappointing, mischievous and malicious.
“We have tried to ensure the buses were in place and were ready every morning for the commuters by being in the terminal.
“We will now ensure all buses are parked in the night where they are locked so that no one can enter the bus without having a key,” he said.
"PTSC: Stringent measures coming to safeguard buses"