Ready to do your part to rebuild TT?
THE EDITOR: The most important responsibility of any politician is to recognise that life is one’s most valuable asset. If one understands the value of life, then one can manage in a way that respects others’ right to life. No life is greater than another regardless of race, class, religion or social status.
It is with that in mind that I state categorically that the Democratic Party of TT (DPTT) in government will not tolerate anyone or anything that threatens the right of the citizens to peaceful existence. If one assumes he or she has a right to invade another’s premises and steal their property, harm or injure another, disparage another without reason, threaten their life or take one’s life, such action will be met with immediate reaction in our courts followed by severe penalties.
On the other hand, a DPTT government will create opportunities for one to find employment in one’s community through radical local government reform that will see communities managing most of their affairs.
A DPTT government will create business opportunities and education programmes that would allow citizens of every race, class, social and economic status and political affiliation to excel economically.
Through massive structured long-term investment in tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, marine services, sports and infrastructure upgrade every citizen in the small country of TT will have an opportunity to rid themselves of the culture of grants and hampers and embrace a culture of production and wealth.
Almost every parent knows the struggle of bringing up children, educating them while doing all possible to keep them healthy and safe. One can only imagine the pain that any parent faces when some misguided individual ends the life of their child for some temporary economic or social gain. No politician, religious leader or friend can ease such pain. Death and suffering should not be issues to gain political advantage.
These are national issues that demand the attention of every citizen regardless of one’s political affiliation.
The DPTT in governance will solicit the help and contribution of past and present politicians and managers to arrive at solutions to the decay of communities that are seen today as hot spots. Sports, businesses, music and tourism can work in a concerted effort to address the plight of poor communities.
In government the DPTT will ensure that every community has a reliable water supply, adequate access to main roads and access to agricultural lands.
These and all else necessary for a better TT are possible if everyone seeking to be the third force joins with the DPTT in a structure agreed to by all. Such a structure will provide the citizens with a viable, pragmatic and intelligent alternative to the race-based parties that have led us to where we are today.
Can we do it for the sake of our children? Can we do it for the sake of our country? I am willing to talk to everyone willing to do that which is best for country. Are you?
political leader, DPTT
"Ready to do your part to rebuild TT?"