Met Office: Temperature not high or low

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While some people claim some recent nights have been extremely cold, TT is not experiencing any low or high temperatures, said Meteorological Services climatologist Kenneth Kerr.

Kerr said although the Met Office recorded a temperature of 21.5 degrees on Wednesday night, it was not considered a low temperature,

Speaking on Thursday, he said from 1959 to date, the figure ranked at 55th, so it was not even close to low.

“Low is in the 17-18-19 degrees. We have not reached there. In fact, out of the 61 years that we have had low temperatures in December, the 21.5 degrees is warm, not cold.

“At this time TT is not experiencing any high or low temperatures. In fact, we would experience relatively warm nights.”



"Met Office: Temperature not high or low"

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