Kangaloo: Let your light shine

ACTING President Christine Kangaloo is calling on citizens to use Divali as an opportunity to improve themselves, their families, their communities and the country.
In her Divali message to the nation, Kangaloo said, " Divali is more, much more, than an opportunity to engage in self congratulation at our religious and cultural inclusiveness."
She explained that Divali is also a serious challenge for every citizen to strive for spiritual enlightenment and self-improvement.
"Just as the light from the deyas banishes the surrounding darkeness, so too we are called upon to each become lights in our families, communities and workplaces and dispel ignorance, injustice and wrongdoing."
Kangaloo also said Divali is another example of TT's inclusive and progressive approach towards religious and cultural diversity.
She declared that this "enables us to overcome the division and polarisation that often bedevil other countries."
"Kangaloo: Let your light shine"