Granny killed

A GASPARILLO grandmother of five was yesterday stabbed to death and her money stolen.

Chandaye Lalloo’s relatives made the shocking discovery just after 7 am when they went to check on her. Her bloodied body was found in a bedroom at her King Street home.

Her walking stick was found on the ground in another room. Lalloo, 64, suffered a stroke four years ago, and used the stick to get around.

Her shocked nephew, Davin Sookoo told Newsday his aunt did not deserve to die that way.

“What type of monster would rob an elderly woman, who cannot even walk properly, and then kill her?” he asked. “She always walks around with a bag which has her money, bills, and personal items. They took the bag with everything,” he said.


He also said his aunt’s cellphone was found in some bushes near her house. “All I want is for the person who killed my aunt to be found and punished for what they did,” the emotional man said.

“My aunt was a kind-hearted woman. She was always helping someone. It really hurts me to know what happened. My heart is broken.”

Sookoo said although she had difficulty moving around because of the effects of the stroke, she was active and independent and lived alone.

Lalloo’s sister, Vashti Sookoo, said she telephoned her at about 7 am, and when she got no answer, after several attempts, she went to her house. Sookoo said she knocked, again got no answer, and, with the help of two relatives, they prised open a back window to enter the house. They found Lalloo’s body in a bedroom, then called the police.

An autopsy is expected to be done at the Forensic Science Centre today.

Homicide (Region Three) police are investigating.


"Granny killed"

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