Robinson-Regis slams lawless squatters

Camille Robinson-Regis
Camille Robinson-Regis

Planning Minister Camille Robinson-Regis yesterday criticised the lawlessness of squatters and called for greater enforcement of the law at the level of local government authorities.

Speaking at a Joint Select Committee on Local Government Reform at Parliament, Robinson-Regis said she was opposed to developing a “squatting country” where people were allowed to build structures on state land without being stopped by the authorities.

She said the prevalence of squatting was cause for different ministries to interact and operate closely in order to end lawlessness and suggested that courts be brought into the discussion for their input on how to treat with squatters.

“That kind of lawlessness cannot be allowed to continue and it means that we need to have an effective way of dealing with it and I think we also need to have a discussion with the court for them to understand that the length of time it takes these things to get done is deleterious to the development of the country.

“We have a similar problem with enforcement notices at Town and Country Planning, it just takes forever to be heard and the people just continue being lawless, because they know that they have been served but they just continue because they know there is no way of doing it in a quick enough time for them to stop what they’re doing.”


Opposition Senator Khadijah Ameen shared Robinson-Regis’ sentiments and raised concerns on the prevalence of unauthorised structures being built.

“Many times it takes so long for action that these structures mushroom. Someone may start selling in a tent, before long, they cast a floor and build a shed and it continues. There are a whole range of activities that take place that can endanger the public.”

Acting Commissioner of State Lands Bhanmatie Seecharan said they have had challenges in several regional corporations over deciding whose responsibility it was to determine and destroy unauthorised structures.

“With this bill I would like to see the corporations take responsibility with the areas they should treat with. They need to take care of their recreational grounds. If they can’t deal with it, they should refer it to us.”


"Robinson-Regis slams lawless squatters"

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