Licks with frying pan

A MAN has taken his wife to court seeking an injunction to restrain her from beating him with a frying pan and biting him because he does not buy her gifts.The couple are from Siparia and, in an unusual twist to domestic-violence cases, the husband is seeking a court order to stop his wife from beating him.

Despite the alleged barrage of licks, he professes his love for her. The lawsuit was filed on Wednesday in the High Court, San Fernando, by the husband who professed his love for his wife of 26 years.He said, once when she bit him on the leg, he lied to the doctor by saying that a dog had bitten him. Fed up of licks, the husband said he has been forced to move his bed to the ground floor of the family’s home in Siparia, but it seems his wife wants him out of the house, and has accused him of extramarital affairs.

Justice Vasheist Kokaram will hear the injunction on Monday in the San Fernando High Court.

The couple are prominent business people in Siparia.

In court documents filed by attorneys Jeevan Andrew Rampersad, instructed by Stephen Boodram, the husband said his wife began physically abusing him in January, when she took his cellphone, then bit him on his leg. “On January 19, the defendant (wife) bit me on the left leg.”

He is still being treated for the wound, he said, as it has not fully healed.

“I say that I have been to my doctor regarding advice or treatment from the injuries inflicted by the defendant, but due to her violence, I was placed under duress to lie to the doctor that my injuries were sustained as a result of dog bites.”

The man took out a protection order against his wife in the Siparia Magistrates’ Court. It comes up for hearing on September 12. In his injunction application, he said his wife would often scratch and punch him and tear his clothing.

“The defendant (wife) will falsely accuse me of not buying any gifts for her which is untrue. I recently purchased a Chanel perfume for $1,100. We have been living in the house for 26 years. When I buy gifts for children or the next-door neighbour, the defendant would instigate an argument. She is intent on assaulting me with a frying pan, of which I fear for my safety.”

The husband is seeking an interim injunction ordering the wife to return his cellphone and desist from beating him and throwing objects at him.


"Licks with frying pan"

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