Diego Martin man freed of rape

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A DIEGO Martin man who was charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl in 2008 was on Tuesday found not guilty by a jury.

Nigel Solozano was before Justice Lisa Ramsumair-Hinds in the Third Criminal Assizes at the Hall of Justice in Port of Spain charged with the rape of the girl on January 26, 2008.

The alleged victim, who is now 26, was the cousin of a girlfriend, and she had gone to a Carnival party at Newtown Boys’ RC School, with her aunt, her aunt’s husband, her cousin and Solozano.

After the party the group when to her aunt’s apartment and she testified that at about 3 am, Solozano entered the room. She said she asked him to leave the room, but he refused and raped her.

She also testified he threatened to “do for her” if she told anyone. The prosecution, led by Stacy Laloo-Chong and Joanne Forester, produced a medical report which showed the girl had had sex with someone.

Solozano, who testified in his defence, claimed it was the girl who came onto him and tried to get him to have sex with her but he refused, telling her he was not interested in her in that way.

He said she shrugged him off and went to bed, and denied having raping the girl.

Solozano also testified that he did not know why she would have made up the story about him raping her.

He also called as his witnesses, the girl’s aunt and her cousin. Solozano was represented by attorneys Evans Welch and Delicia Helwig-Robertson.


"Diego Martin man freed of rape"

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