Fathers – the world needs you
THE EDITOR: Father’s Day is here once more and many homes and families will be busy making all the necessary preparations for this special occasion.
I know, for some, there will be mixed feelings for they might have lost that special person or he might not be at home. However, I would like to encourage fathers of our nation to hold still and remind them that they will always have a crucial role to play in the home.
It is said that the man is the head of the home but that is not always so, for at times, our women have to play a dual role of mother and father. This is a reality in so many cases. This is in no way putting down dads for there are those who continue to do an excellent job.
Being a father myself, I would like all our men out there to know that our role in the family structure is important with special emphasis on fathers since we are celebrating this day. Let all us men, on this day, take a fresh look at ourselves and ask the question: "Can I do better?"
Whether we like it or not, we must see our lives fulfilling the part as provider, protector, adviser, friend, lovers and more. We must take the lead and not leave it to the woman of the house. At times, we do increase her stress level when she has to make up for our short comings. Thank God for these strong women.
Therefore, dads take the time out to look into the mirror not condemning yourself but objectively and constructively searching your inner being and looking for ways to be even a better father. None of us is perfect, and the day we stop growing and learning we are indirectly dying.
Quote from Ashley Tisdale states, “The only way to grow is to challenge yourself.”
We, as men, can all do this.
I have the confidence that we as fathers can all do better, enjoy the day and may God richly bless you.
Arnold Gopeesingh, San Juan
"Fathers – the world needs you"