Ailing Gabriella's mom still hopeful

Despite all the hardships she has had to endure, from worrying every day about her daughter's health to trying to source her medication, Giselle Lakhan says her faith in God has not faltered.
Lakhan's three-year-old daughter, Gabriella, needs a new heart and lungs, but because of her frail condition, doctors say she may not survive the surgery.
Gabriella's story came to light after Lakhan sought help to pay for her daughter's medication after the $1,100 grant from social welfare was stopped . She was deemed ineligible because Gabriella's husband's salary was $5,000 a month.
She was told to reapply, which she did.
Her plight touched the hearts of many and donations began coming in, some from as far away as the US. Lakhan said a few people called, and a couple of them have pledged to continue helping Gabriella as long as she lived. She was still hopeful that a miracle would happen for her child.
One such person is "Marcus," who Lakhan said has been prompt in buying Gabriella's medicines and other things she needs, such as diapers, wipes, lotion and powder. Another was the firm Lonsdale Saatchi and Saatchi.
"They said whenever I need anything for her to just call," she said.
"I haven't heard from the welfare office yet, so I don't know if they are still processing the papers.
"I don't want anything for myself, it is only for Gabriella. Even if we can't get help to pay for her medication, we will have to find a way to do it. Every cent we have is for her.
"My husband says nobody asks what the mummy wants, but I want nothing. I have Gabriella and I am happy with that.."
Lakhan said she is keeping her fingers crossed that her name would be chosen when next houses were distributed. She said she applied for a house from the Housing Development Corporation since 2007 and was recently told that her name was still on the list.
"Right now the one room we are living in is kitchen, living room and bedroom all in one. It is claustrophobic and not healthy for Gabriella.
"But, I am not giving up hope in God. I know he will open a door for me somehow."
Gabriella has to see her doctors on May 20 for the results of an echocardiogram done a few weeks ago.
"Ailing Gabriella's mom still hopeful"