Govt urged to consult Bible on ganja laws

RELIGION formed part of discussions during the fourth public consultation of decriminalisation of marijuana as people from different religious bodies supported their opinions using references from the Holy Bible and Hinduism.
Selwyn Dillon, holding the Bible quoted scriptures as he called upon those in authority to be guided by the laws of the bible which he said God said, that he had given herbs bearing seeds to the land.
Another man also in support of decriminalisation of marijuana said the leaves of marijuana is used in Hinduism and is offered to Lord Shiva during prayers.
Yesterday marked the fourth public consultation held at the San Fernando City Hall Promenade which was presented by the Ministry of Legal Affair and Office of the Attorney General.
A passionate Dillon said, “We live by the word of God, so why is it that we are picking and choosing what the word of God says. Look at Genesis 1:29 and you will have the answers you need when it comes to decriminalising marijuana. Just look at the word.”
The consultation was led by a panel including Minister in the Office of the Attorney General Fitzgerald Hinds, Dr Anthony Ramkissoon and marijuana expert Marcus Ramkissoon.
Also present were students of the Palo Seco Secondary School, representatives from different religious bodies and representatives from Rastafarian groups.
Dillon said he could not understand why people were not referring to the Bible to make their decisions. He told another member from the audience to read what the scripture stated.
She read, “And God said, 'Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat.'"
Dillon said, “This is the word of God.”
The audience cheered loudly in approval. Deochand Bridgemohan addressing the audience said he was representing the Hindu community.
Bridgemohan said the marijuana plant is used in Hinduism. “I just want to be allowed to pick one leaf of marijuana to offer to Lord Shiva, just one.”
He said, in Canada, Hindu families were allowed to use marijuana leaves as offerings during prayers. At the end of the consultation, Hinds told reporters that information from all the public consultations would form part of the decision making the process.
“We should make some advancement by the end of June. In other words, we should be able to have some good ideas as to what changes in the laws we must change to bring for Parliaments’ consideration on the basis of these consultations.”
He also said the issues raised by the citizens at the consultation were far more intricate than at first glance. He said deep intellectual and even some spiritual attention were needed.
The fifth public consultation will be held next Wednesday in Rio Claro.
"Govt urged to consult Bible on ganja laws"