Children’s mas shines on

Although the TT Red Cross Society (TTRCS) Children’s Carnival had a late start yesterday, there was a smooth and rapid flow of the almost 300 individuals and bands over the Queen’s Park Savannah stage in Port of Spain.
The parade began at 11.50 am and the rain held up for most of the day which allowed the children to display their colourful costumes in cool and dry weather. As usual, in addition to the colours, the youths costumes covered a number of themes including environmental, national, and history.
Several paid tribute to calypsonians, games children used to play, and traditional mas. For example, Antonio Rampersad portrayed Dingolay as a tribute to the Mighty Shadow. The large, elaborate red and gold costume was decorated with a photo of the calypsonian and musical notes.
St Margaret’s Boys AC School presented Tek Me...H Back which presented a number of traditional characters including the dragon, minstrel, fancy Indian, pierrot grenade, fireman, fancy sailor, and burrokeet.
Jill De Bourg, president of the TTRCS described the costumes as a beautiful representation of the talent and effort of the bandleaders and designers. She said the number of registrations surpassed that of last year which showed the importance of listening to, collaborating with, and assuring stakeholders that solutions to issues would be provided.
The organisation had great difficulty in reaching its $755,000 sponsorship budget and up to Friday donations were still being received. She thanked her sponsors who supported them financially, through motivation, in kind, and by being present at the event. She also thanked staff, volunteers, judges and announcers for their assistance. “It’s only through a collaborative effort that today was successful.”
She added that, as it was her team’s first Children’s Carnival, there were “challenges and hiccups.” However she described it as a learning experience. She said they looked at the result they wanted and worked their way backwards. “We have already seen areas that we can improve so I can only say that the product will get better over time.”
Cautious of next year’s financial restraints, De Bourg said she intended to continue to work with sponsors and bandleaders. “This is a product, like I said before, that we need to preserve, not just for Red Cross but for our culture. And I am going to continue to reach out to stakeholders and demonstrate that this investment ... is a long-term investment and a long-term partnership. If we hold hands and we walk the road together we will strengthen the product for a future generation.”
And the future looked bright for TT mas with winners in a number of categories including babes in arms, as well as boys and girls of different age groups, couples, small, medium, and large bands, of which there were only two.
Babes in Arms
1st : Jlayna Armstrong – Anne Bonny South Side of Buccaneer’s Cove
2nd : Asia-Leigh Allen – Swirling Sea Foam
3rd : Reign Noreiga – the Enchanted Princess of the Fairies
Most original costume : Buck in De Bush
Boys 3 to 5
1st : J’vion Moses – Reflection of a Fireman
2nd : Aaden Nero – Puff the Friendly Dragon
3rd : Xavi Harriot – An Emperor’s Fantasy
Most original costume : Leandro Laulys – Handmade in Brazil
Girls 3 to 5
1st : Arya Sammy – Princess of the Comanche Tribe
2nd : Julia Weekes – Dance Burrokeet Dance
3rd : Ariandé Augustine – Fire Ras
Most original costume : Sophia Carvalho – Recycle Party
Boys 6 to 9
1st : Enzi Davis – Samba Batucado
2nd : Kal-El Mohammed – The Twin Headed Dragon
3rd : Shomari Olivierre – Trini Magician
Most original costume : Nicholai Williams – Defender of the Amazon
Girls 6 to 9
1st : Chloe Mendez – Peppermint Patty
2nd : Amirah Jemmott – Goddess of Kuan Yin Temple
3rd : Jayla Penco – Bottlemania
Most original costume : Victoria Carvalho – Save the Beauty of the Caroni Swamp
Small bands
1st : Funtime Mas Productions – For the Love of Calypso
2nd : Paramin RC School – De Spirit of Paramin
3rd : Rose Mary Perkins – TT Sweet Fuh So!
Most original costume : Bits and Bites
"Children’s mas shines on"