Another ignored icon gone
THE EDITOR: I am somewhat appalled by the way leading calypsonians are overlooked when it comes to care and assistance when they are ill. The Mighty Shadow left us recently and now the Original De Fosto himself. We live in a society where Hip Hop and Rap is worshipped and calypso is mostly ignored and not given the respect it rightly deserves.
Author, Dr Louis Regis believes the loss of love for what belongs to us is one of the factors which have contributed to the struggles being faced by calypso and calypsonians today. It is disappointing to note that too many icons have passed on, unrecognised and ignored when in need, a trend which I hope future governments will reverse.
The Original De Fosto's real name is Winston Scarborough and he was abandoned as a baby and found somewhere in Belmont, Port-of-Spain by a Tobagonian woman by the name Beatrice Clark. She took him to the Tacarigua Orphanage where the surname "Scarborough," was given to him. This name was borrowed from the capital of Tobago. De Fosto was blessed with the ability to sing calypsoes which made for easy adaptation by steelbands. His calysoes inspired communities and uplifted the country.
Politicians and those with the means to offer financial assistance had several opportunities to make De Fosto feel that his service was not in vain, and that he was indeed appreciated. Simple acts of gratitude at the end-of-life could have made up for a lack of appreciation or recognition during the Calypsonians lifetime, but unfortunately we live in a culture that does not appreciate or honour calypsonians when they are alive.
"Another ignored icon gone"