No more cash payrolls

THE EDITOR: Sincerest condolences and heartfelt sympathy I extend to the family of the murdered guard, Kerwin Williams. The very same sentiments I convey to all those families who have lost loved ones under similar circumstances. Clearly that murder/robbery was well planned and it is not the first time that such brazen act has occurred.

We are in 21st century and technology has made life a bit easier and I dare say a bit safer. I am no expert at security, especially when it involves the mobile transfer of money. My simple suggestion to business places that still use cash payrolls is to desist from this practice. Every employee should open a bank account and obtain a debit card. This way the transfer of money is avoided as well as the accompanying risks.

Armed to the teeth does not make a difference as was exemplified on many occasions when million-dollar heists were undertaken. The Debe tragedy should act as a wake-up call to those security companies that have two guards with pump action guns and lugging money bags to and from business places to become proactive. Times and circumstances have changed drastically and so must those involved in security.

Sahadeo Ragoonanan, Indian Walk


"No more cash payrolls"

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