T&TEC investigates fire at Scarborough Secondary

T&TEC officials, TT Fire Services and electrical technicians from the Division of Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment (DIQE) on Tuesday visited Scarborough Secondary after a fire broke out in one of the classrooms on Sunday night. According to Tobago TTUTA representative, Orlando Kerr, security at the school extinguished the fire before it got out of control. Students were sent home on Tuesday and school was closed yesterday as there were additional reports of electrical outlets sparking. The DIQE electrician was dispatched to carry out a further inspection of the school plant to ensure its safety before students return to classes.
Kerr said he was pleased so far with the Division of Education’s handling of the situation.
“Yes, because school was dismissed and students removed from the compound. There has been issues with the electrical system in the past because the school is very old and we’ve called for it to be relocated. There weren’t any fires (previously) but there have been issues with low voltage with AC units etcetera,” he said.
Scarborough was not the only school closed yesterday, as Goodwood Secondary’s students were also told to stay home.
Jacqueline Job of the Division of Education, said while they would have preferred to avoid closing the schools, this action was necessary.
Goodwood Secondary’s closure was done for the disposal of unused chemicals in the school’s science lab as well as sanitization of an administrative block which experienced leakage due to a broken water line in the science lab. The Division of Education said officials from CARIRI have been engaged to conduct testing in the labs at Goodwood Secondary.
The Division of Education said the safety of all the island’s students is of paramount importance to them.
"T&TEC investigates fire at Scarborough Secondary"