What Natalie wrote

KIDNAP victim Natalie Pollonais wrote a letter over the weekend to Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith thanking him and the Police Service for rescuing her four after she was kidnapped. The following is Pollonais' letter in full, to CoP Griffith.
Dear Mr Griffith,
Normally words come easy to me but for the first time ever I have some difficulty. How do you thank the men and women who have given back not only your life, but your very heart and soul?
My family and I will forever be grateful to the Commissioner of Police, the Anti-Kidnapping Unit and all those in the police service who worked tirelessly to ensure my safe return.
My faith in TT was restored on Monday September 10, when I became keenly aware of the intelligence, the coordination of resources, tactical effort, courage and dedication that was implemented by all in order for me to go home to my family.
A simple statement to some, but to me it was everything. My rescue clearly shows how unbreakable the bundle of sticks is and it shows that when Trinidad unites, there is nothing we cannot overcome.
I am deeply saddened that our citizens still want to stand apart, still want to separate the bundle. When will we stop being East Indian, Chinese, African, Syrian and white? When will we just be Trini? Like you, I pray for that day.
I would also like to thank your wife and the families of the Anti Kidnapping Unit who went without their husbands, wives and parents so they can continuously search for me. I am humbled by their sacrifice.
God works in many mysterious ways, I am blessed for the knowledge, courage and intelligence that He gave to you, the Anti Kidnapping Unit and the police service’s officers, all your prayers that touched your hearts, minds and bodies to guide and direct everyone in the right direction. Jesus, I trust in you.
Lastly, I would like to say I will stop at the next roadblock after ensuring that all the necessary parameters have been met, such as two or more marked police vehicles, several police officers in official uniform and the like. However, I hope that if it is a speed trap, after all that happened, I might get a bligh.
Natalie Pollonais
"What Natalie wrote"