Chance to place local govt at centre

THE EDITOR: Now that nominations have been filed for the local government by-elections for the electoral districts of Belmont East and Barataria, a rare opportunity presents itself for the various contending parties to deal with the Government’s proposals for local government reform. In its 2015 general election manifesto, the PNM promised wide-ranging reform of local government in order to bring the system closer to what is practised by the Tobago House of Assembly. Some of the proposals include:

1. A base for more secure funding including the retention of property taxes collected within their boundaries.

2. Executive authority so as to provide greater autonomy.

3. New responsibilities including the maintenance of schools, social welfare services and local tourism, among others.

4. More effective municipal police.


5. Greater authority over development control.

6. Involvement of civil society in the decision-making process.

Pursuant to this, the PNM very early in its term of office appointed a local government reform committee which has prepared and published its report on the reform process and which has been accepted by Cabinet. There is no doubt that if effect is given to these proposals will lead to an important development step in the governance process.

It will be useful therefore if the political parties pay some attention to the proposals in an effort to engage the population in the discussion. The PNM can use the opportunity to show the progressive role it has taken in this process and the other political parties can challenge the PNM to give effect to the proposals for reform by bringing into the discussion the residents of these electoral districts and expanding their understanding of the proposals. The Opposition parties can also push the Government to approach the reform incrementally. It should be noted that this was already started when Education Minister Anthony Garcia recently announced that local government will undertake school repairs during the August vacation. It will also be useful if the candidates can familiarise themselves with the wide-ranging proposals and discuss these on their platforms. I am willing to assist any or all of the candidates in this regard.



"Chance to place local govt at centre"

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