NIDCO: MV Galleons Passage still in Cuba due to delays in retrofitting works

The MV Galleons Passage arriving at Damex Shipyard, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba on May 26, 2018 to being planned retrofitting works.
The MV Galleons Passage arriving at Damex Shipyard, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba on May 26, 2018 to being planned retrofitting works.

Yet more delays in the arrival of the MV Galleons Passage – a catamaran passenger ferry bought by Government to service the inter-island seabridge.

Although it arrived as scheduled at the Damex Shipyard in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba on May 26, the retrofitting works have not yet started on the vessel because of certain delays.

In its June 1 update, the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) said a team of people representing the buyer and seller had arrived in Cuba prior to the vessel “in order to expedite the shipyard works.”

However a setback was experienced, NIDCO explained, “arising from delays in the completion of designs and the consequential issue of approved drawings by the seller.” As such, the shipyard “is also experiencing delays” in procuring the requisite materials.

NIDCO said because of the circumstances, a full schedule for the completion of all retrofitting works “is currently being finalised.”



"NIDCO: MV Galleons Passage still in Cuba due to delays in retrofitting works"

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