Woodbrook sidewalks neglected,McDonald

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Marlene McDonald, MP for Port-of-Spain South, as I understand Woodbrook falls under her jurisdiction.

I would like to know what is the situation with the lack of maintenance of the streets and sidewalks in Woodbrook, as it has been months since the bush that grows in-between the cracks in the sidewalks has been dealt with. Through the grapevine I have heard that the Cepep crews are no longer operating in the area. If so, who is?

I have had to personally go with cutlass, weed whacker and garbage bags to deal with the grass in front of my house as I hate to see it looking neglected and I take pride in the appearance of my neighbourhood.

Suffice it to say that the real solution lies in the completion of the resurfacing of the sidewalks and drains but that seems to be like pulling teeth at this stage with all the problems that our Government is having, eg crime, immigrants, the Galleons Passage ferry etc.

Still, we’re not talking billions or even millions of dollars here, and I am sure that the funds were already allocated long ago. So what is the problem?


This letter is simply to inform you as you may not have passed through the minor roads of Woodbrook for some time. Please, put a hand.

By the way, kudos to whoever took care of the potholes that I recently wrote about. While I’m not sure if my letter prompted the action or if it was simply coincidence but thanks and well done anyway.

Together we will continue to aspire and achieve.

, Woodbrook


"Woodbrook sidewalks neglected,McDonald"

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