Time to review 1960 Concordat
THE EDITOR: The hijab controversy involving Sat Maharaj and the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha board vs a trainee Muslim teacher highlights two things — a gross abuse of power and the need to review the 1960 Concordat.
The actions of Sat Maharaj must not be tolerated and must be strongly condemned by all law-abiding citizens of TT.
What gives him the power to ban citizens from a public space, in this case a school compound?
The board receives millions of dollars from the Government every year.
Additionally, our tax dollars are spent on school repairs, sewer problems and other projects. The Ministry of Education — and by extension the State — pays its teachers, supplies textbooks, provides curriculum support, student support services, security and other forms of support.
I commend the ministry for speaking out promptly against the actions of Maharaj and the board on the grounds of discrimination, denial of human rights and religious freedom which are guaranteed under our Constitution.
"Time to review 1960 Concordat"