Held for 49 hours on suspicion of robbery, cop to get $80,000 in compensation

A POLICE officer who was detained by police for 49 hours on suspicion he was involved in the robbery of 14 cases of vodka in 2012, has been awarded $82,085 in compensation by a high court judge.
Justice Nadia Kangaloo yesterday awarded Cpl Keston Garcia a total of $75,000 in compensation, and an additional $7,085 in interest, for the 49 hours he spent in police custody.
The state was also ordered to pay a total of $27,617 in legal costs.
In her ruling yesterday, Kangaloo held that the police did not have reasonable cause to suspect that Garcia committed the alleged offence of robbery.
"Held for 49 hours on suspicion of robbery, cop to get $80,000 in compensation"