Carmona leaves for the Hague

President Anthony Carmona left the country on Friday for the Hague, Netherlands where he will address the ceremonial opening of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
In his absence, Senate President Christine Kangaloo will act as President.
Carmona was invited by the ICC to address its first ceremonial opening of the court’s judicial year on January 18.
A release from the Office of the President said that Carmona was honoured by the ICC with an invitation to be its “distinguished guest speaker.”
The court, which was founded on July 17, 1998 in Rome, Italy has never held a ceremonial opening before.
Carmona, who served as a judge of the court from March 2012 to 2013 before becoming President. The ICC will cover his travel and hotel expenses.
Former president ANR Robinson, as prime minister, in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, proposed the establishment of a court with jurisdiction over international crimes. His proposal led to the adoption of the Rome Statute, the court’s founding treaty, in 1998.
"Carmona leaves for the Hague"