Rackets abound
THE EDITOR: The termination of the contract between Petrotrin and A&V Oil & Gas may be the end of just one of the alleged rackets that have been going on here for decades and financially benefiting corporate thieves at the higher level of our society.
Based on the number of such scandals being unfolded here every year, there seems to be a lot of this type of corruption around, involving men and women in high places holding responsible positions of authority while wearing masks of honour and respectability.
Catching them red-handed has become extremely difficult as they have been at it for years and have acquired the professional and manipulative skills to cover up their underhanded misdemeanours.
The two facets of corruption: accountability and transparency, are not really in place or working as professed by our politicians.
In my opinion, loopholes in both these two aspects of prevention of corruption are deliberately allowed for the purpose of making corruption methods easy.
This then allows the trend of corporate corruption to continue until a mistake is made by the perpetrators and then brought to light.
This kind of criminal activity is now becoming a regular aspect of crime here for two reasons it creates overnight millionaires, and when caught the culprits are normally allowed to walk free without paying their deserved retributions.
There are obviously much more of these hidden corporate thieves awaiting detection and revelation.
Yours faithfully,
GA Marques
"Rackets abound"