Thanks for ‘Singing at MoE’

THE EDITOR: Sometimes it is the simplest things that have the biggest impact and I take a moment to commend and highlight the work of the Ministry of Education and in particular the Laventille/Morvant Schools’ Improvement Project for their initiative, “Singing at the MoE.”

I work on Edward Street in Port of Spain and for the past month students of the Laventille/Morvant area have been going to the ministry during the lunch period and performing songs, dances and poetry, all in keeping with the Christmas season.

I see this as a positive as we have so many negatives around us and these children have given of their time and talent to spread joy.

The happiness you see from all of the students, both primary and secondary, when performing is testimony to the great work being done by their teachers.

Special mention must be made of all the young men who were involved each day that I stopped by. It is always refreshing to see young men, often linked to indiscipline, be such positive role models for their peers.


My biggest takeaway from watching these students was the words on the T-shirts they wore: “I am the change.” I love that message because it is so literal and so open to interpretation.

These young people are the change because they are the future but they are also the change because, as one said to me, “I will not be like the rest of my family. I am the change.”

I hope the ministry maintains this level of positivity and the outreach that it is doing in a community plagued with so many negatives. I look forward to hearing and seeing not only these students but many more in the coming year.

Good job students and thanks to the Ministry of Education.



"Thanks for ‘Singing at MoE’"

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