Hispanic Centre slams deportations, seeks meeting with PM

Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Photo by Sureash Cholai
Prime Minister Dr Rowley - Photo by Sureash Cholai

The Arima-based Hispanic Cultural Centre (La Casita/HCC) on Tuesday condemned the latest deportations of Venezuelans and asked the PM for an urgent meeting between the government and representatives of the immigrant community.

Through a social-media statement, director of La Casita Andreina Briceno Brown said it is necessary to find solutions to the enforced return of Venezuelans to their country.

The statement said: "The dynamics of surviving in the twin-island state, for all its inhabitants must be the focus of its leadership. Let us unify efforts to guarantee a prominent future without causing collateral damage to the population.

"Migration is a right. Let us all work together to ensure dignity and respect for human rights, while promoting safe, regular and orderly migration."

The deportation carried out by local authorities motivated the Diocesan Caritas Carúpano and Caritas Güiria organisation in Venezuela to expand their care services to assist 159 Venezuelans repatriated last Saturday.

La Casita said: "The absence of any official statement or communication from the Government of TT to the deportees' families resulted in families having numerous problems determining where or when to receive their loved ones and having to use various communication channels to find family members at their final destinations. "

La Casita said Trinidad and Tobago is a multicultural, multi-ethnic Caribbean country that has incredible potential and opportunities to boost its economy, but requires a broader vision that will allow it to implement migration strategies that promote diversity, inclusion and integration while fostering national improvements for its inhabitants.

"Once again it is imminent to request an audience with the Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, to advance the growth of the island we share today. An island that saw the birth of our ancestors, who also migrated to new directions, leaving relatives who today feel and suffer from not having had the opportunity of family reunification. "

La Casita said it was necessary to look at successful programmes with immigration reforms to strengthen the economy of the host country and dignify the role of the migrant, refugee or asylum seeker to develop and undertake sustainable projects.


"Hispanic Centre slams deportations, seeks meeting with PM"

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