PoS South PNM: Borel is our final choice

Cleopatra Borel


CHINUA ALLEYNE, co-ordinator of the Port of Spain South PNM constituency, said the party is now settled on the choice of Olympic shot-put finalist Cleopatra Borel as its prospective candidate in the upcoming general election.

This comes after recent news reports of some constituency officials complaining Borel was not well known in the area.

Alleyne told Newsday on Wednesday, "There are no issues in Port of Spain South. The entire constituency is ready, willing and prepared to support Ms Borel as candidate in the campaign, in moving forward in earnest.

"It is expected that any time there is a change of representation there would be some uneasiness. That is a normal part of the process."

Alleyne is chairman of Port of Spain North/St Ann's West and co-ordinator for both constituencies. He said he has been co-ordinator of Port of Spain South for a week and this post is a function of the upcoming election.

Port of Spain deputy mayor Councillor Hillan Morean recently told Newsday he supports the selection process that saw Borel emerge as the candidate. The PoS City Council has a large geographical area which overlaps with the Port of Spain South constituency.

Morean declared, "We would support the party's choice of candidate. The PNM has gone through the process and has a robust way of choosing candidates. We look forward to going forward with the candidate, Ms Borel.

"As deputy mayor I can say the city council looks forward to working with Ms Borel when she becomes MP, just as we have worked with the MP (Marlene McDonald) now. We look forward to having a fantastic relationship."

Newsday was unable to contact constituency chairman councillor Wendell Stephens, who had also been a nominee to vie to be MP.

PoS mayor Joel Martinez expressed no view to Newsday.

"That's nothing to do with me. I'm not involved in that process. I'm mayor of Port of Spain and that is a party matter and I do not comment on party matters."

Newsday has been unable to reach outgoing Port of Spain South MP Marlene Mc Donald, despite repeated phone calls in the past three weeks.


"PoS South PNM: Borel is our final choice"

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