Trini among US troops struck by Iran

A Trinidadian woman in the US military was among those at a US air base in Iraq that was struck by Iran on Tuesday night.

The attacks were carried out in response to the recent killing of Iranian major general Qasem Soleimani during a US drone strike in Baghdad.

In a post to Twitter on Tuesday night, Leann Saunders said, "My aunt's US base was hit an hour ago. All I ask of anyone that sees this is a prayer of protection. Thank you."

Saunders told Newsday her aunt, who she preferred not to name, was born and raised in Santa Cruz but moved to the US where she has been living for over 12 years.

She said it was the first scare the family has had since her aunt joined the military.

"My emotions were all over. My entire household was in tears as there was no contact so we were just praying, waiting on the next phone call for good news."

She said her grandmother, who also lives in the US, called a few hours later saying her aunt was alive.

But Saunders said she is worried the situation may worsen as the tension between the US and Iran continues to rise. She said, "It's just the start," and that her aunt is still "not out of harm's way."

"We're just praying for her safe return."

In an official response on Wednesday afternoon, US President Donald Trump said there were no injuries or casualties.

If you or anyone you know is directly affected by the current tensions between the United States and Iran and would like to speak to a reporter, please email


"Trini among US troops struck by Iran"

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